Friday, 5 June 2020

Killed By Florida - My Vote Counts

Killed By Florida are an energetic thrash punk 5 piece from West Palm Beach who go by the names of Tard Nugent (Guitar), Dave Lee Tard (Vocals), Ricky Retardo (Bass), Leotardo DeCrapo (Drums) and Justard Timberfuck (Guitar). Creative!

They mix speed, power and anger to take aim ot targets such as homophobic Christians... those born with a silver spoon in their mouths... flag waving, gun toting, beer guzzling, God bothering assholes... and those that turn a blind eye to the creeping rise of the far right.

This track is topical given as we're only a few months away from the US elections and the choice for voters seems to be hardly inspiring. They have a choice to vote for the lesser of two evils in the knowledge that not much is likely to change. It's called My Vote Counts...


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