Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Bicep - Glue

Bicep are an electronic music production and DJ duo from Belfast and currently based in London consisting of Andrew Ferguson and Matthew McBriar. They have a new album coming out in a few weeks and after the teaser tracks I am looking forward to what it will bring. Fingers crossed. Rather than a track from the upcoming album I am going with what is still, currently at least, my favourite track by them. It was released back in 2017 and I remember a mate sending me it with the statement "listen to this, it is the sound of actual endorphins flooding my body". It reminds me of when you're walking back home in the morning after a night out. You feel free but tired, you feel happy but sad that the night is over. Put your phone down and headphones on and get lost in it. It is what I often do when this comes on. 

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