Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The Last Gang - Shameless

The biggest surprise album during 2018 for me, was The Last Gang’s Fat Wreck debut (but sophomore album) Keep Them Counting, so the news of the release of Noise Noise Noise has been one of excitement and anticipation.

Noise Noise Noise has many of the same elements that made Keep Them Counting such a pleasant surprise; hard hitting lyrics, Red’s distinctive vocals, catchy guitar riffs, however Noise Noise Noise wears its reggae ska punk influence on its sleeve, with Red stating she listened to a lot of Trojan Records artists in writing this album. This adds another layer and depth to the album, making Noise Noise Noise an accomplished, albeit unexpected entry into The Last Gang’s catalogue. 

‘Shameless’ is a melodi earworm that will stick in your head, and allows Red to exercise her vocal chops in a way that fans haven’t experienced before.

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