Thursday, 17 December 2020

Much Better - Leftovers

Much Better are a three piece band from LA. In April the band released their third EP, For The Kids!

I am going with Leftovers which does that wonderful thing that many pop punk bands do with taking a song that’s really sad and turning it into a celebration. This helps anyone who’s going through a similar thing to relate and realise that they’re not alone. It’s a cathartic feeling that is very good for people. Leftovers is about dealing with the breakup of a relationship and trying to get out of old habits and traditions. The track features a lengthy breakdown section that splits the song into two. This adds to the emotion of the song, making you realise that the singer is really heartbroken.

Much Better write wonderfully crafted pop punk songs that have fun, witty and meaningful lyrics, plenty of moments to sing along with and it also feels fresh.

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