Saturday, 18 September 2021

Sincere Engineer - Hurricane of Misery

To understand Sincere Engineer, it helps to know where the name comes from. Legend has it the phrase was uttered by a member of The Lawrence Arms in an early 2000s interview, and it caught the attention of a young Deanna Belos who would later become a singer/songwriter. First used as her Twitter handle, it made sense to retain the moniker when picking a name for her solo project – so while technically still being a sole endeavour, after building a reputation on the Chicago punk scene Sincere Engineer has become far more than one person with an acoustic guitar. When playing live Belos is often joined by a three-piece band, and that arrangement defines the sound of her studio output and the newest record ‘Bless My Psyche’.

From this I am going with Hurricane of Misery. A blast of drums and beaming guitars, feeling wide and bright with its crashing cymbals and ringing guitars while having fun with its refrain of “I want to touch you with my mouth, I want to drink ‘til I pass out” it's an early standout for me.

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