Sunday, 19 January 2020

Wank For Peace - Was That What You Expected Kid?

Wank For Peace... Childish, or amusing? Feelings of humour and admiration, or a strong and lasting distaste? This is a band from France of all places and name aside and are pretty good if melodic punk and hardcore is your thing. Nothing new or different in the genre, but lots of fast paced drummed, melodic guitar lines and gruff vocals.

I have gone with ‘Was That What You Expected Kid’ which is a eulogy of sorts, centred on an adult looking back at the life he imagined he’d have as a child. The lyricism is sharp and the fast paced vocal delivery gives the verse a great pop punk feel. The chorus goes “cause this life, that I live today, doesn’t allow me to be the person that I wanted to be” and will resonate with anyone stuck in a job that they hate who feels life isn’t going the way that they wanted. The ending is a shout-along of “And I’m stuck with an image of myself, Expired for many years” which sticks for a while after the track ends. I bet it sounded great with everyone singing along when played live.

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