Friday, 31 January 2020

Masked Intruder - Heart Shaped Guitar

Masked Intruder are one of those bands that people either love or hate, with few on the fence about whether or not they like them. I happen to be one of the people who love them, even if gimmicks aren’t usually my thing.

From Wisconsin, if you know of them then you'll know exactly what to expect here. Gimmick bands are not something that is usually successful in the world of punk rock and although there are plenty of bands that don’t take themselves at all seriously it is usually people being themselves playing music they love. This pop punk four piece claim to be four convicts who met in prison and always wear ski masks to protect their identity. Their songs are all about their criminal past and of course, like all the great pop punk bands – girls. What’s great about Masked Intruder is that the songs are so good they don’t need the gimmick to get the fans onside, it just adds to the fun. They are one of the most popular bands going having put out releases on Red Scare Industries and then Fat Wreck Chords.

The song I am sharing is from their debut self-titled album and features Mixtapes' Maura Weaver as the goaded voice of Blue's affections, with the two melding vocally to create a dynamic back-and-forth. It is a great catchy pop punk song and a band that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

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